Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Real Media Paint Swatches

When studying traditional painting techniques a while back, I became obsessed with creating digital swatch sets of various real media, particularly oils and acrylics. I've included most of them here for anyone else with an interest.

For an idea of how to sort through the colors and pick the most useful, see my post on choosing real paint colors for painting digitally.

(Jump to Oils or Miscellaneous.)
Acrylic Paint

Daler-Rowney Cryla Acrylics

Golden Acrylics 

(Golden updated their website a while back, leading me to create a new set of swatches. I actually prefer the old set however, so I've included it here as well.)

Liquitex Acrylics

Old Holland Oils

Williamsburg Handmade Oils

Winsor & Newton Artist Oils

Winsor & Newton Artisan Oils

Winsor & Newton Winton Oils

Richeson Casein Paints

[Download Richeson Casein]

Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolors

Photoshop Real Paint Swatches

(This swatch set comes with Photoshop; I've included it here for use in different programs, such as Manga Studio. These colors are more saturated than your typical real paints.)

Prismacolor Soft Core Colored Pencils


  1. Thank you so much for this!! Exactly what I was looking for! You are a true lifesaver!

  2. Thank you for all the work you did getting these colors and color names,
    It's also just what I was looking for. Thanks again.

  3. Thank you for creating this and making it accessible!

  4. Thank you so very much~~ ^o^ i am *most* Grateful~~
